Thursday, May 10, 2012

Separation is always painful; and among the many causes of separation, death, which is the last and final goodbye is the most common and hurtful. In addition, it seems that everyone has his own quota of misery, and in this lifetime we have to suffer emotional torments of all kinds and in many ways.

Usually, when my misery arrives, it keeps on coming; as if one or two miseries are not enough for me to go down. As in one instance, my loving grandfather died; I lost one of my few and very important belonging; then one of my pets also died in a very weird manner; all these, while my whole family is in chaos as if having a global war with its other; The first three painful occurrences happened in the span of less than 24 hours, while the last one is a continues ordeal that is happening until now. 

Why is it that there is an emotional distress? Where is it coming from? What is the reason behind? Some people who experience misery complain, "Why me, I have done nothing wrong." Personally, I don't ask this kind of silly question; what I do not understand is why it has to come all at once and almost at the same time.

We have different perception about what misery is, and three concepts are most common; some of us believed that it is only a test designed for us to learn, others believed that it is "bad karma", a reaction of sin, while the simple simply believe that it is but a part of life.

Being aware of these perceptions, I asked myself; is misery a form of test? And am I that strong to withstand a successive onslaught of pain? And if it is a reaction of sin, am I that sinful to suffer so much in a certain period of time. I am not complaining, but if there is a waiter or a server, who serves that loneliness, I would have asked him, "Sir, would you please serve those anguish one at a time?"

I believe in the eternality of the soul and in the law of karma, which basically states that in every action there is a reaction. ("What I sow so shall I reap.") Therefore, if the torments that I am experiencing are the reactions of my previous actions, then this lifetime is a reaction of a previous lifetime, which, understandably, I sowed the seeds of pain.

The seeds of action are fertile seeds that always turn into a plant and grow. And I have no choice; in one way or the other, the powerful law of nature will force me to reap and taste the bitter fruits of those seeds. Sadly, it looks like I was tasked to gather an ample amount of different kinds of crops during the season of harvest.

But I have faith in the wisdom of The All-Knowing God. He will give me nothing that I cannot handle. Moreover, I noticed that in my personal dealings with sorrow; it usually stops me from doing what I supposed to do. So perhaps to save me from those unnecessary stops and diversions, the torments that I have to suffer was poured-in upon me once in a moment in time.

In memory of my loving Grandfather who passed away this month.